blow to the head

美 [bloʊ tu ðə hed]英 [bləʊ tu ðə hed]
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blow to the headblow to the head
  1. They said he died from a blow to the head .


  2. He was knocked out by a single blow to the head .


  3. She died after receiving a blow to the head .


  4. She died from a blow to the head .


  5. A strong blow to the head causes chemical changes within nerve cells that damage their structural proteins .


  6. It 's a blow to the head . She 's breathing .


  7. The patient is suffering from severe concussion following a blow to the head


  8. But first , since the old priest has been so mean to you , let me give him one good blow to the head !


  9. A study found going without sleep for just one night causes changes in the brain similar to those that occur after a blow to the head .


  10. His wife , Elaine Taylor , said the cause was a blow to the head as a result of a fall .


  11. A stupefying blow to the head ; the stupefying effects of hemp .


  12. Making so many turns to the right and then the left was completely disorienting ; a sharp blow to the head can be disorienting .


  13. China 's stimulus and property-loosening measures could end up like a dose of smelling salts after a blow to the head & causing a quick stir , followed by a long malaise .


  14. David Robinson of the San Antonio Spurs is recovering after being knocked unconscious after a Blow to the head by Utah Jazz 's Karl Malone .


  15. The law , strengthened two years ago , even specifies how to put down a sick fish : with a sharp blow to the head , or immersed in water mixed with clove oil dissolved in alcohol .


  16. X-rays of King tut 's mummy performed in1968 reealed what looked like a bone fragment in his skull , which fueled the belief that King Tut may hae been murdered by a blow to the head .


  17. The boy king ` s death more than 3,000 years ago remains the subject of dispute among historians , with some believing he died when a leg injury turned gangrenous , and others saying he was murdered by a blow to the head .


  18. He received a severe blow on / to the head .
